let’s go the extra mile
Miles hexun for first vice president
a qualified candidate.
JCL Consul
Three years on school JCL board
Certamen team captain
500+ community service hours
Nonprofit founder
Student Council activities coordinator
Eagle Scout
Science Olympiad president
How will we go the extra mile
with miles as first vice president?
have local activites.
Create regional JCL chapter networks consisting of neighboring JCL schools
Suggest regular cross-chapter activity framework
Ex: friendly sports games, Roman dress up days, beach cleanups
make JCL information accessible.
Increase frequency of CAJCL social media communication
Publish CAJCL board meeting minutes
Have local chapter networks host JCL info nights
Directly contact outside Latin programs with help from local JCL chapters
encourage diversity
Encourage local networks to host activities that maximally benefit their community
Host convention activities that cater to a wider range of interests
Reach out to underprivileged and underrepresented areas of California
Implement a JCL feedback system so every JCL member can voice opinions
Let’s ______!
Tell me about you, your JCL chapter, and your ideas on this form: